International Athlete Health Insurance 

International Athletes are required to have health insurance! 

This is for international athletes that have committed to LCCC Only  


Below are some tips for finding a good policy and an insurance company 


This specific company is not required to be used as there are many other options. We have found through previous athletes that this company is easy to work with and provides good coverage with the correct policies and a add-on.  



  • Make sure your insurance covers you as a college athlete 

  • Some automatically do and others you have to add it to the policy (verify before purchasing). 
  • Medical Care in the US is extremely expensive without insurance. If something happens that is a prior existing condition or not athletic related like strep throat, etc. you want to make sure you are covered.  

  • We recommend getting coverage that will cover roughly 80% of costs up to a certain amount and then 100% after. This is just a recommendation as there are policies that cover less or more of the costs. This is a standard option for most companies.  

  • No matter what company you use make sure that you receive an insurance card or paperwork that has a US billing address. Almost every company has a US partner that they bill through, without a US address it could cause some problems.  

  • If you live in a county that has national insurance and they say they will cover you while in the US, find out the specific details listed below to help prevent any problems like being stuck paying a large sum out of pocket while you wait to get reimbursed by your home insurance.  

  • Can they be billed directly? If so, get a fax number, email, and an address. 
  • If they can’t be billed directly, we recommend considering a policy through another company to prevent major issues or having to pay large sums out of pocket. 

  • Do they have a claims form that needs to be submitted for each injury or illness that you go to the doctor for? If so, please get a copy or a link to the form in case you need it. 
  • What exactly will they cover and are there specific steps or an order in the providers you need to see? 
  • A lot of policies do not cover prescription medications unless you add it. This is an optional addition. There are some discount programs in the US we can use if your insurance doesn’t cover them, but costs could be more than you are used to back home.  


- Insurance Company Option -

Again, this specific company isn’t required but we recommend them 

Insurance Company Name: World Trips 



Steps to purchasing coverage 

  1. Go to the link above, it will take you to the home page 


  1. Click On “International Student” under “Quotes are free. Start yours now.”. 

  1. Enter your information in the Quote Estimator and then click the green button that says, “Get Quote Now”. 

  1. This will bring you to choosing your plan. You can view the plans in one single payment form or monthly payment form. Doing a single payment saves you a little bit of money. 


  1. There are 4 plans shown but only the 3 higher options cover you as a college athlete. So please click “choose plan” on either Elite, Select, or Budget. (DO NOT pick the plan labeled Smart). 

  1. Each of the three plan options will give you 1 -3 optional coverage options. 

  1. You must add “Intercollegiate, Interscholastic, Intramural, or Club Sports Coverage”, you are free to add the others if you would like. 

  1. Click “Next Step”. 

  1. Then enter your information on the next 3 pages. 

  1. Make sure you have a copy of the confirmation and anything they email you. 

  1. I would recommend a hard and digital copy of everything. 


If you have any questions please contact our Athletic Trainer, Sarah Charron at  


LCCC International Student Website: International Students - LCCC | Laramie County Community College, Wyoming